tortillitas, panquequitos y demases!

Tw: @laovejaagria
Ig: @nailianail

y si, la gorda no le escapa a las redes sociales.

27 de agosto de 2012

esto es tener huevos :/ (Uganda)

MARCHA GAY EN UGANDA ! pocos pero unidos los muchachos, por el orgullo, el amor a la japi o lo que sea, UNIDOS! admirable su valentia :´)
“The importance of this Pride event cannot be understated. The fact that these brave activists could pull this off in this milieu of persecution is a great victory for the community. Visibility like this notes the ongoing legacy of late activist David Kato, it defies the export of American Evangelical hate, and it helps ensure defeat of the Bahati Bill. It shows leadership for all of Africa, and above all it shows that the LGBT people of Uganda simply refuse to give up their right to exist and to live their natural born sexual orientation.” hay que tener coraje de salir asi, a pesar de las persecuciones y el rechazo de ciertas organizaciones... :´) un orgullo para la comunidad <3

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